JSC Development Finance Institution Altum
Last updated on 21 Feb 2024
Key facts
State-owned, joint stock company, and development finance institution offering financial tools through loans, credit guarantees, investments in venture capital funds.
Credit rating (Moody's)
Foreign currency

Authorizations, exposure, and country export data
2022 top export sectors
Wood products
Food products
2022 export destinations
Financing modalities
- Export credit guarantees to exporters or financial institutions to insure against insolvency or non-payment of a foreign buyer of goods or services
- Tenor: Up to 2 years
- Cover:
- Maximum cover due to non-payment by a single buyer is EUR 2 million
- Up to 80% of the loan amount to a lender
- Commercial risks up to 90% of total export
- Political risks up to 95%
- Amounts and tenor:
- For MSMEs or a group of enterprises: EUR 3 million up to 10 years or EUR 1.5 million up to 5 years
- For large enterprises, except for road freight transport industry: EUR 750,000 up to 10 years
- Eligibility: Investment loan, working capital loan (including credit limit), financial leasing (including financial leasing limit), factoring, bank guarantee (procurement procedure guarantee, advance payment guarantee, performance, or guarantee period guarantees), bank guarantee limit, and letter of credit
- Loans for individuals:
- Housing guarantees for families1
- Subsidy Balsts: One-time support to families with children for reducing the first payment for purchase or construction of housing
- Housing guarantees for young professionals
- Housing support for NAF soldiers
- Loan for renovation of apartment buildings
- Energy efficiency loan products
- Study and student loans
- Loans for businesses:
- Loans for new companies and startups
- Loan to entrepreneurs
- Loans for companies’ energy efficiency or sustainability
- Mezzanine loan
- Loans with capital discount
- Loans for low-rent housing construction
- Support of the consequences of war
- For energy efficiency in business
- Altum Capital Fund
- Venture capital
- Social entrepeneurship
- Loans and guarantees for companies in the agricultural sector
- Land fund of Latvia
- Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund
- Jointly owned by the Ministry of Finance (40%), Ministry of Economics (30%), and Ministry of Agriculture (30%)
- Collateral and a personal guarantee by business owners holding at least 10% of shares is required to receive a loan
- Maturity of the loan cannot exceed the length of useful life of the assets
- Closed to the following countries: Iran, Iraq, Democratic Republic of Congo, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan
- Refrains from transactions wherein one of the business parties has been included in FATF High-risk and Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions list
- Corporate and social responsibility agenda