Last updated on 10 Mar 2024

Key facts

Simest supports the international development of Italian businesses. It is controlled by SACE, with shareholdings also held by leading Italian banks and industry associations.

Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 323
00186 Rome

+39 06 686351
Credit rating (sovereign) (S&P)
Foreign currency


SIMES shareholding

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)
Minority shareholders

FY 2021 authorizations equity loans


62 %


2 %

North America

14 %

South America

13 %

Middle East

3 %


6 %


  • Simest can provide subsidized financing to widen Italian companies’, especially SMEs’, presence in foreign markets:
    • Participation in trade fairs, exhibitions, and business missions to promote Italian businesses in new international markets
    • Feasibility studies for evaluating investment opportunities abroad
    • Programs for entering non-EU markets
    • Capitalization of exporting SMEs
    • Soft rates for Italian exporters whose turnover and procurement have been penalized
    • Loans using European Union resources under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)
  • Technical assistance programs to finance personnel training
  • Simest offers export credit support, in the forms of buyer credit and supplier credit to benefit Italian exporters of capital goods
  • Interest rate support is available on bank loans, allowing exporters to offer foreign buyers payment deferrals on medium/long-term orders under conditions and interest rates in line with OECD agreements
  • Simest can make investments in a foreign company with Italian shareholders:
    • Simest will take up to a 49% stake in the foreign company and, in any event, no more than the investment of the Italian shareholder
    • Investment terms are up to 8 years
  • Simest can provide an interest rate subsidy on a loan obtained by the Italian promoter’s share in the foreign company
    • Subsidy can be up to EUR 40 million per project and EUR 80 million per economic group
    • Subsidy is applied to 90% of the Italian shareholder’s share, up to 51% of the foreign company’s equity
  • Simest manages EU funds, which are instruments for granting and attracting additional financing for significant investments in the transportation, energy, environmental, and social sectors

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